package install

  • install
    Name Type Required Default Hint
    ID string false ID of the ForgeBox entry to install. If no ID is passed, all dependencies in box.json will be installed.
    directory string false The directory to install in and creates the directory if it does not exist. This will override the packages's box.json install dir if provided.
    save boolean false true Save the installed package as a dependancy in box.json (if it exists), defaults to true
    saveDev boolean false false Save the installed package as a dev dependancy in box.json (if it exists)
    production boolean false false When calling this command with no ID to install all dependencies, set this to true to ignore devDependencies.
    verbose boolean false false If set, it will produce much more verbose information about the package installation
    force boolean false false When set to true, it will force dependencies to be installed whether they already exist or not

    Command Usage

    Download and install an entry from an endpoint (like ForgeBox) into your application or read the box.json descriptor
    and install all production/development dependencies in your project if no ID is passed.

    Install the feeds package from ForgeBox and save as a dependency

    install feeds
    Override the installation location by passing the "directory" parameter.
    install coldbox ../lib/frameworks/
    Install "feeds" and does not save as a dependency
    install feeds --!save
    Install cbdebugger and save as a devDependency
    install cbdebugger --saveDev
    This command can also be called with no ID. In that instance, it will search for a box.json in the current working
    directory and install all the dependencies.
    The "production" argument is used in order to determine if we should install development dependencies or not.
    By default "production" is false, so all development dependencies will be installed.
    install --production
    You can also specify the version of a package you want to install from Forgebox. Note, this only
    currently works if the specified version of the package is in your local artifacts folder.
    install coldbox@3.8.1
    Installation from endpoints other than ForgeBox is supported.
    Additional endpoints include HTTP/HTTPS, local zip file or folder, and Git repos.
    install C:/myZippedPackages/
    install C:/myUnzippedPackages/package/
    install git://
    install git+
    install git+ssh://
    The git+ssh endpoint will look for a private SSH key in your ~/.ssh directory named "id_rsa", "id_dsa", or "identity".
    That matching public key needs to be registered in the Git server.

    Git repos are cloned and the "master" branch used by default.
    You can also use a committ-ish to target a branch, tag, or commit
    install git://
    install git://
    install git://
    A shortcut notation is also supported for GitHub repos specifically where you can only specify the GitHub user and repo name
    install mygithubuser/myproject