package version

  • bump
    Name Type Required Default Hint
    version string false
    major boolean false
    minor boolean false
    patch boolean false

    Command Usage

    Interact with your package's version number. This command must be run from the root of the package.

    Running this command with no parameters will output the current version. (Same as "package show version")

    package version
    Set a specific version number by passing it into this command. (Same as "package set version=1.0.0")
    package version 1.0.0
    "Bump" the existing version number up by one unit and save in your box.json.
    Specify the part of the version to increase with the major, minor, or patch parameter.
    Note, "package version" is aliased as "bump".
    bump --major
    bump --minor
    bump --patch
    If multiple version parts are specified, the "larger" one will be used starting with major.
    If a version AND a flag are both supplied, the version will be used and the flag(s) ignored.