contentbox create integration-test

Name Type Required Default Hint
handler string true Name of the handler to test
actions string false A comma-delimited list of actions to generate
appMapping string false / The root location of the application in the web root: ex: /MyApp or / if in the root
bdd boolean false true Defaults to BDD style
xunit boolean false false You can alternatively use xUnit style
open boolean false false Open the file once it is created
script boolean false true Generate content in script markup or tag markup
directory string false tests/specs/integration The base directory to create your test spec in and creates the directory if it does not exist. Defaults to 'tests/specs/integration'

Command Usage

Create a new integration spec in an existing ColdBox-enabled application. Run this command in the root
of your app for it to find the correct folder. By default, your new test spec will be created in /tests/specs/integration but you can
override that with the directory param as well. You can also choose your testing style: BDD or xUnit.

#Generate a handler integration spec using BDD

coldbox create integration-test contacts
#Generate a handler integration spec using BDD and open the file

coldbox create integration-test contacts --open
#Generate a handler integration spec using BDD with several actions

coldbox create integration-test contacts index,save,delete
#Generate a handler integration spec using xUnit

coldbox create integration-test contacts --xunit