contentbox create orm-virtual-service

Name Type Required Default Hint
entityName string true The name of the entity this virtual service will be bound to
directory string false models The base directory to create your model in and creates the directory if it does not exist.
queryCaching boolean false false Will you be activating query caching or not
eventHandling boolean false true Will the virtual entity service emit events
cacheRegion string false The cache region the virtual entity service methods will use
tests boolean false true Generate the unit test BDD component
testsDirectory string false tests/specs/unit Your unit tests directory. Only used if tests is true
open boolean false false Open the file once generated

Command Usage

Create a new virtual entity service model in an existing ColdBox application. Make sure you are running this command in the root
of your app for it to find the correct folder.

coldbox create orm-virtual-service Contact --open