package init

  • init
    Name Type Required Default Hint
    name string false My Package The human-readable name for this package
    slug string false my-package The ForgeBox or unique slug for this package (no spaces or special chars)
    version string false 0.0.0 The version for this package, please use semantic versioning - 0.0.0
    private boolean false false Would you like to mark your package as private, which prevents it to submit it to ForgeBox
    shortDescription string false A sweet package A short description for the package
    ignoreList boolean false true Add commonly ignored files to the package's ignore list
    wizard boolean false false Run the init wizard, defaults to false

    Command Usage

    Initialize a package in the current directory by creating a default box.json file.
    If you pass a `--wizard` flag, then the command will give you a wizard to init a package

    Init with a wizard
    init --wizard
    Pass in an arguments you want and a property in the box.json will be initialized with the
    same name as the argument name using the argument value.
    init name="My App" slug=myApp version=