coldbox create app

Name Type Required Default Hint
name string false My ColdBox App The name of the app you want to create
skeleton string false AdvancedScript The name of the app skeleton to generate (or an endpoint ID like a forgebox slug)
directory string false The directory to create the app in and creates the directory if it does not exist. Defaults to your current working directory.
init boolean false true "init" the directory as a package if it isn't already
installColdBox boolean false false Install the latest stable version of ColdBox from ForgeBox
installColdBoxBE boolean false false Install the bleeding edge version of ColdBox from ForgeBox
installTestBox boolean false false Install the latest stable version of TestBox from ForgeBox
wizard boolean false false Run the ColdBox Creation wizard
initWizard boolean false false Run the init creation package wizard

Command Usage

Create a blank ColdBox app from one of our app skeletons or a skeleton using a valid Endpoint ID which can come from .
ForgeBox, HTTP/S, git, github, etc.
By default it will create the application in your current directory.

coldbox create app myApp
Here are the basic skeletons that are available for you that come from ForgeBox
- Advanced
- AdvancedScript (default)
- elixir
- elixir-bower
- elixir-vuejs
- rest
- Simple
- SuperSimple
coldbox create app skeleton=rest
The skeleton parameter can also be any valid Endpoint ID, which includes a Git repo or HTTP URL pointing to a package.
coldbox create app skeleton=
Use the "installColdBox" parameter to install the latest stable version of ColdBox from ForgeBox
coldbox create app myApp --installColdBox
Use the "installTestBox" parameter to install the latest stable version of TestBox from ForgeBox
coldbox create app myApp --installColdBox --installTestBox