package uninstall

  • uninstall
    Name Type Required Default Hint
    slug string true Slug of the package to uninstall.
    directory string false The directory the package is currently installed in including the container folder
    save boolean false true Remove package as a dependancy in box.json (if it exists)
    system boolean false false When true, uninstall this package from the global CommandBox module's folder

    Command Usage

    Uninstall a package from your application. The installation path is pulled from box.json based on package name.
    If the package being uninstalled has a box.json, any dependencies and devDependencies
    will also be uninstalled as well.

    If a directory is supplied, the package will be looked for in that directory. Otherwise, the box.json for the packge will be
    inspected for an install path for that package. Lasty, the command will look in the current directory for a folder named after the package.

    Uninstall the feeds package

    forgebox uninstall feeds
    Uninstall feeds but don't remove it from the dependency list
    forgebox install feeds --!save