package update

  • update
    Name Type Required Default Hint
    slug string false A comma-delimmited list of slugs to update. Pass nothing to update all packages.
    verbose boolean false false Outputs additional information about each package
    force boolean false false Forces an update without confirmations
    system boolean false false When true, update packages in the global CommandBox module's folder

    Command Usage

    Updates all of the packages in your project that have new versions available. Run this command from the root of the package.
    Package installed from HTTP(S) and Git endpoints will always be udpated.

    You can also pull a list of all outdated packages with the "outdated" command
    and update them one at a time by passing one or more slugs in a comma-delimted list.
    update coldbox
    update cbstorages,cborm,cbvalidation
    Get additional details with the --verbose flag
    update --verbose
    If you are automating this command, use the "force" flag to skip the confirmation prompt.
    update coldbox --force