testbox run

Name Type Required Default Hint
runner string false The URL or shortname of the runner to use, if it uses a short name we look in your box.json
bundles string false The path or list of paths of the spec bundle CFCs to run and test
directory string false The directory mapping to test: directory = the path to the directory using dot notation (myapp.testing.specs)
recurse boolean false Recurse the directory mapping or not, by default it does
reporter string false The type of reporter to use for the results, by default is uses our 'simple' report. You can pass in a core reporter string type or a class path to the reporter to use.
labels string false The list of labels that a suite or spec must have in order to execute.
options string false A JSON struct literal of configuration options that are optionally used to configure a runner.
testBundles string false A list or array of bundle names that are the ones that will be executed ONLY!
testSuites string false A list of suite names that are the ones that will be executed ONLY!
testSpecs string false A list of test names that are the ones that will be executed ONLY!
outputFile string false We will store the results in this output file as well as presenting it to you.
verbose boolean false Display extra details inlcuding passing and skipped tests.

Command Usage

Executes TestBox runners via HTTP/S. By default, the "testbox.runner" property will be read from your box.json.

testbox run
You can also specify the URL manually
testbox run "http://localhost:8080/tests/runner.cfm"