testbox watch

Name Type Required Default Hint
paths string false Command delimited list of file globbing paths to watch relative to the working directory, defaults to **.cfc
delay number false How may milliseconds to wait before polling for changes, defaults to 500 ms

Command Usage

Watch the files in a directory and run the default TestBox suite on any file change.

testbox watch
In order for this command to work, you need to have started your server and configured the
URL to the test runner in your box.json.
package set testbox.runner=http://localhost:8080/tests/runner.cfm

server start
testbox watch
If you need more control over what tests run and their output, you can set additional options in your box.json
which will be picked up automatically by "testbox run" when it fires.
package set testbox.verbose=false

package set testbox.labels=foo
package set testbox.testSuites=bar
package set testbox.watchDelay=1000
package set testbox.watchPaths=/models/**.cfc
This command will run in the foreground until you stop it. When you are ready to shut down the watcher, press Ctrl+C.