
Class RSS

    extended by coldbox.system.FrameworkSupertype
      extended by contentbox.models.ui.BaseWidget
        extended by contentbox.widgets.RSS

ContentBox - A Modular Content Platform Copyright since 2012 by Ortus Solutions, Corp --- A widget that reads an RSS feed and displays the items

Class Attributes:
  • singleton
  • synchronized : false
  • accessors : false
  • persistent : false
    Constructor Summary
    Method Summary
    private any buildList(any entries, boolean showBody, any linkTarget)
         Build List of rss items.
    any renderIt(any feedURL, [numeric maxItems='5'], [boolean showBody='true'], [string linkTarget='_blank'], [string title=''], [string titleLevel='2'])
         A widget that reads an RSS feed and displays the items.
    Methods inherited from class contentbox.models.ui.BaseWidget
    getAuthor, getAuthorService, getAuthorURL, getCategory, getCategoryService, getCb, getCommentService, getContentService, getContentStoreService, getContentVersionService, getDescription, getEntryService, getForgeBoxSlug, getHtml, getIcon, getLog, getMenuService, getName, getPageService, getPublicMethods, getSecurityService, getVersion, setAuthor, setAuthorService, setAuthorURL, setCategory, setCategoryService, setCb, setCommentService, setContentService, setContentStoreService, setContentVersionService, setDescription, setEntryService, setForgeBoxSlug, setHtml, setIcon, setLog, setMenuService, setName, setPageService, setSecurityService, setVersion
    Methods inherited from class coldbox.system.FrameworkSupertype
    addAsset, announceInterception, getCache, getController, getInstance, getInterceptor, getModel, getModuleConfig, getModuleSettings, getMyPlugin, getPlugin, getRenderer, getRequestCollection, getRequestContext, getSetting, getSettingStructure, includeUDF, loadApplicationHelpers, locateDirectoryPath, locateFilePath, persistVariables, populateModel, relocate, renderExternalView, renderLayout, renderView, runEvent, setController, setNextEvent, setSetting, settingExists
    Methods inherited from class lucee.Component

    Constructor Detail


    public init()


    Method Detail


    private any buildList(any entries, boolean showBody, any linkTarget)

    Build List of rss items

    entries - query
    showBody - show body of content or not
    linkTarget - the link target


    public any renderIt(any feedURL, [numeric maxItems='5'], [boolean showBody='true'], [string linkTarget='_blank'], [string title=''], [string titleLevel='2'])

    A widget that reads an RSS feed and displays the items

    renderIt in class BaseWidget
    feedURL - The rss feed URL
    maxItems - The maximum number of items to display, default is 5
    showBody - Show the body of the feed item or not, default is true
    linkTarget - The link target (HTML) for the RSS item link, defaults to _blank
    title - The title to show before the dropdown or list, defaults to H2
    titleLevel - The H{level} to use, by default we use H2