
Class Binder

        extended by coldbox.system.ioc.config.Binder
Class Attributes:
  • output : false
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    This is a WireBox configuration binder object. You can use it to configure a WireBox injector instance using our WireBox Mapping DSL

    Constructor Summary
    init(any<Injector> injector, [any config], [any<struct> properties='[runtime expression]'])
          Constructor: You can pass a data CFC instance, data CFC path or nothing at all for purely programmatic configuration.
    Method Summary
    any asEagerInit()
         If this method is called, the mapped object will be created once the injector starts up.
    any asSingleton()
         Map as a singleton, shortcut to using 'in( this.
    any bindAspect(Matcher<Matcher> classes, Matcher<Matcher> methods, any aspects)
         Bind a aspects to classes and methods.
    any cacheBox([any configFile=''], [any cacheFactory=''], [any<Boolean> enabled='true'], [any classNamespace='[runtime expression]'])
         Integrate with CacheBox.
    any configure()
         The main configuration method that must be overriden by a specific WireBox Binder configuration object.
    any constructor(any constructor)
         You can choose what method will be treated as the constructor.
    any extraAttributes(struct data)
         Adds a structure of metadata to be stored with the mapping for later retrieval by the developer in events, manually or builders.
    any getAppMapping()
         Get the ColdBox app mapping variable if context linked.
    any<array> getAspectBindings()
         Get the collection of aspect bindings for this binder.
    any<Struct> getCacheBoxConfig()
         Get the CacheBox Configuration Integration structure.
    any<Controller> getColdBox()
         Get the bounded ColdBox context for this binder, if any.
    any getCurrentMapping()
         Get the current set mapping (UTILITY method).
    any<struct> getCustomDSL()
         Get the custom dsl namespace registration structure.
    struct getCustomScopes()
         Get the registered custom scopes.
    any<Struct> getDefaults()
         Get the default WireBox settings structure.
    any<Injector> getInjector()
         Get the bounded injector for this binder.
    any<Array> getListeners()
         Get the configured listeners array.
    any getLogBoxConfig()
         Get the logBox Configuration file to use.
    any<Mapping> getMapping(any name)
         Get a specific object mapping: coldbox.
    any<struct> getMappings()
         Get all the registered object mappings structure.
    any<Struct> getMemento()
         Get the instance data structure.
    any getParentInjector()
         Get the parent injector reference this binder is linked to.
    any<struct> getProperties()
         Get the binded properties structure.
    any getProperty(any name, [any default])
         Get a binded property.
    any<java.util.LinkedHashMap> getScanLocations()
         Get the linked map of package scan locations for CFCs.
    any<Struct> getScopeRegistration()
         Get the scope registration details structure.
    any<Array> getStopRecursions()
         Get all the stop recursion classes array.
    any inCacheBox([any key=''], [any timeout=''], [any lastAccessTimeout=''], [any provider='default'])
         Map an object into CacheBox.
    any initArg([any name], [any ref], [any dsl], [any value], [any javaCast], [any required='true'])
         Map a constructor argument to a mapping.
    any initWith()
         Positional or named value arguments to use when initializing the mapping.
    any into(any scope)
         Map an object into a specific persistence scope.
    any listener(any class, [any<Struct> properties='[runtime expression]'], [any name=''])
         Add a new listener configuration.
    void loadDataDSL([any<struct> rawDSL])
         Load a data configuration CFC data DSL.
    any logBoxConfig(any config)
         Set the logBox Configuration to use.
    any map(any alias)
         Create a mapping to an object.
    any mapAspect(any aspect, boolean autoBinding='true')
         Map a new aspect.
    any mapDSL(any namespace, any path)
         Register a new custom dsl namespace.
    any mapDirectory(any packagePath, any include='', any exclude='', [any influence], [any filter], [any namespace=''], [any prepend='false'])
         Maps an entire instantiation path directory, please note that the unique name of each file will be used and also processed for alias inspection.
    any mapPath(any path, [any namespace=''], [any prepend='false'])
         Directly map to a path by using the last part of the path as the alias.
    any mapScope(any annotation, any path)
         Register a new WireBox custom scope.
    any<Boolean> mappingExists(any name)
         Check if an object mapping exists.
    any match()
         Create a new matcher class for usage in class or method matching.
    any methodArg([any name], [any ref], [any dsl], [any value], [any javaCast])
         Map a method argument to a factory method.
    any mixins(any mixins='')
         Adds one, a list or an array of UDF templates to mixin to a CFC.
    any noAutowire()
         If you call this method on an object mapping, the object will NOT be inspected for injection/wiring metadata, it will use ONLY whatever you define in the mapping.
    any noInit()
         If you call this method on an object mapping, the object's constructor will not be called.
    any notThreadSafe()
         This is the default wiring of objects that allow circular dependencies.
    any onDIComplete(any methods)
         The methods to execute once DI completes on the mapping.
    any parent(any alias)
         this method lets you use an abstract or parent mapping as a template for other like objects.
    any parentInjector(any injector)
         Link a parent injector to this configuration binder.
    any processMappings()
         Process all registered mappings, called by injector when ready to start serving requests.
    any property(any name, [any ref], [any dsl], [any value], [any javaCast], [any scope='variables'], [any required='true'])
         Map a cfproperty to a mapping.
    boolean propertyExists(any name)
         Checks if a property exists.
    any providerMethod(any method, any mapping)
         Add a new provider method mapping.
    void removeScanLocations(any locations)
         Try to remove all the scan locations passed in.
    void reset()
         Reset the configuration back to the original binder defaults.
    any scanLocations(any locations)
         Register one or more package scan locations for CFC lookups.
    any scopeRegistration([any<Boolean> enabled='[runtime expression]'], [any scope='[runtime expression]'], [any key='[runtime expression]'])
         Use to define injector scope registration.
    any setMapping(any name, any mapping)
         Set a mapping object into the mappings map.
    any setProperties(any<struct> properties)
         Set the binded properties structure.
    void setProperty(any name, any value)
         Create a new binding property.
    any setter(any name, [any ref], [any dsl], [any value], [any javaCast], [any argName])
         Map a setter function to a mapping.
    any stopRecursions(any classes)
         Configure the stop recursion classes.
    any threadSafe()
         Tells persistence scopes to build, wire, and do onDIComplete() on objects in an isolated lock.
    any to(any path)
         Map to a destination CFC class path.
    any toDSL(any dsl)
         Map to a dsl that will be used to create the mapped object.
    any toFactoryMethod(any factory, any method)
         Map to a factory and its executing method.
    any toJava(any path)
         Map to a java destination class path.
    any toProvider(any provider)
         Map to a provider object that must implement coldbox.
    any toRSS(any path)
         Map to a rss destination class path.
    any toValue(any value)
         Map to a constant value.
    any toWebservice(any path)
         Map to a webservice destination class path.
    any unMap(any name)
         Destroys a mapping by name.
    any virtualInheritance(any mapping)
         Tells WireBox to do a virtual inheritance mixin of the target and this passed mapping.
    any with(any alias)
         Used to set the current working mapping name in place for the maping DSL.
    Methods inherited from class WEB-INF.cftags.component

    Constructor Detail


    public init(any<Injector> injector, [any config], [any<struct> properties='[runtime expression]'])

    Constructor: You can pass a data CFC instance, data CFC path or nothing at all for purely programmatic configuration

    injector - The Injector this binder is bound to
    config - The WireBox Injector Data Configuration CFC instance or instantiation path to it. Leave blank if using this configuration object programatically
    properties - A structure of binding properties to passthrough to the Binder Configuration CFC

    Method Detail


    public any asEagerInit()

    If this method is called, the mapped object will be created once the injector starts up. Basically, not lazy loaded


    public any asSingleton()

    Map as a singleton, shortcut to using 'in( this.SCOPES.SINGLETON )'


    public any bindAspect(Matcher<Matcher> classes, Matcher<Matcher> methods, any aspects)

    Bind a aspects to classes and methods

    classes - The class matcher that will be affected with this aspect binding
    methods - The method matcher that will be affected with this aspect binding
    aspects - The name or list of names or array of names of aspects to apply to the classes and method matchers


    public any cacheBox([any configFile=''], [any cacheFactory=''], [any<Boolean> enabled='true'], [any classNamespace='[runtime expression]'])

    Integrate with CacheBox

    configFile - The configuration file to use for loading CacheBox if creating it.
    cacheFactory - The CacheBox cache factory instance to link WireBox to
    enabled - Enable or Disable CacheBox Integration, if you call this method then enabled is set to true as most likely you are trying to enable it
    classNamespace - The package namespace to use for creating or connecting to CacheBox. Defaults to: coldbox.system.cache


    public any configure()

    The main configuration method that must be overriden by a specific WireBox Binder configuration object


    public any constructor(any constructor)

    You can choose what method will be treated as the constructor. By default the value is 'init', so don't call this method if that is the case.

    constructor - The constructor method to use for the mapped object


    public any extraAttributes(struct data)

    Adds a structure of metadata to be stored with the mapping for later retrieval by the developer in events, manually or builders.

    data - The data structure to store with the maping


    public any getAppMapping()

    Get the ColdBox app mapping variable if context linked


    public any<array> getAspectBindings()

    Get the collection of aspect bindings for this binder


    public any<Struct> getCacheBoxConfig()

    Get the CacheBox Configuration Integration structure


    public any<Controller> getColdBox()

    Get the bounded ColdBox context for this binder, if any


    public any getCurrentMapping()

    Get the current set mapping (UTILITY method)


    public any<struct> getCustomDSL()

    Get the custom dsl namespace registration structure


    public struct getCustomScopes()

    Get the registered custom scopes


    public any<Struct> getDefaults()

    Get the default WireBox settings structure


    public any<Injector> getInjector()

    Get the bounded injector for this binder


    public any<Array> getListeners()

    Get the configured listeners array


    public any getLogBoxConfig()

    Get the logBox Configuration file to use


    public any<Mapping> getMapping(any name)

    Get a specific object mapping: coldbox.system.ioc.config.Mapping

    name - The name of the mapping to retrieve


    public any<struct> getMappings()

    Get all the registered object mappings structure


    public any<Struct> getMemento()

    Get the instance data structure


    public any getParentInjector()

    Get the parent injector reference this binder is linked to


    public any<struct> getProperties()

    Get the binded properties structure


    public any getProperty(any name, [any default])

    Get a binded property. If not found it will try to return the default value passed, else it returns an exception

    name - The name of the property
    default - A default value if property does not exist


    public any<java.util.LinkedHashMap> getScanLocations()

    Get the linked map of package scan locations for CFCs


    public any<Struct> getScopeRegistration()

    Get the scope registration details structure


    public any<Array> getStopRecursions()

    Get all the stop recursion classes array


    public any inCacheBox([any key=''], [any timeout=''], [any lastAccessTimeout=''], [any provider='default'])

    Map an object into CacheBox

    key - You can override the key it will use for storing in cache. By default it uses the name of the mapping.
    timeout - Object Timeout, else defaults to whatever the default is in the choosen cache
    lastAccessTimeout - Object Timeout, else defaults to whatever the default is in the choosen cache
    provider - Uses the 'default' cache provider by default


    public any initArg([any name], [any ref], [any dsl], [any value], [any javaCast], [any required='true'])

    Map a constructor argument to a mapping

    name - The name of the constructor argument. NA: JAVA-WEBSERVICE
    ref - The reference mapping id this constructor argument maps to
    dsl - The construction dsl this argument references. If used, the name value must be used.
    value - The value of the constructor argument, if passed.
    javaCast - The type of javaCast() to use on the value of the argument. Only used if using dsl or ref arguments
    required - If the argument is required or not, by default we assume required DI arguments.


    public any initWith()

    Positional or named value arguments to use when initializing the mapping. (CFC-only)


    public any into(any scope)

    Map an object into a specific persistence scope

    scope - The scope to map to, use a valid WireBox Scope by using binder.SCOPES.* or a custom scope


    public any listener(any class, [any<Struct> properties='[runtime expression]'], [any name=''])

    Add a new listener configuration.

    class - The class of the listener
    properties - The structure of properties for the listner
    name - The name of the listener


    public void loadDataDSL([any<struct> rawDSL])

    Load a data configuration CFC data DSL

    rawDSL - The data configuration DSL structure to load, else look internally


    public any logBoxConfig(any config)

    Set the logBox Configuration to use

    config - The configuration file to use


    public any map(any alias)

    Create a mapping to an object

    alias - A single alias or a list or an array of aliases for this mapping. Remember an object can be refered by many names


    public any mapAspect(any aspect, boolean autoBinding='true')

    Map a new aspect

    aspect - The name or aliases of the aspect
    autoBinding - Allow autobinding of this aspect or not? Defaults to true


    public any mapDSL(any namespace, any path)

    Register a new custom dsl namespace

    namespace - The namespace you would like to register
    path - The instantiation path to the CFC that implements this scope, it must have an init() method and implement: coldbox.system.ioc.dsl.IDSLBuilder


    public any mapDirectory(any packagePath, any include='', any exclude='', [any influence], [any filter], [any namespace=''], [any prepend='false'])

    Maps an entire instantiation path directory, please note that the unique name of each file will be used and also processed for alias inspection

    packagePath - The instantiation packagePath to map
    include - An include regex that if matches will only include CFCs that match this case insensitive regex
    exclude - An exclude regex that if matches will exclude CFCs that match this case insensitive regex
    influence - The influence closure or UDF that will receive the currently working mapping so you can influence it during the iterations
    filter - The filter closure or UDF that will receive the path of the CFC to process and returns TRUE to continue processing or FALSE to skip processing
    namespace - Provide namespace to merge it in
    prepend - where to attach the namespace


    public any mapPath(any path, [any namespace=''], [any prepend='false'])

    Directly map to a path by using the last part of the path as the alias. This is equivalent to map('MyService').to('model.MyService'). Only use if the name of the alias is the same as the last part of the path.

    path - The class path to the object to map
    namespace - Provide namespace to merge it in
    prepend - Where to attach the namespace


    public any mapScope(any annotation, any path)

    Register a new WireBox custom scope

    annotation - The unique scope name to register. This translates to an annotation value on CFCs
    path - The path to the CFC that implements this scope, it must have an init() method and implement: coldbox.system.ioc.scopes.IScope


    public any<Boolean> mappingExists(any name)

    Check if an object mapping exists

    name - The name of the mapping to verify


    public any match()

    Create a new matcher class for usage in class or method matching


    public any methodArg([any name], [any ref], [any dsl], [any value], [any javaCast])

    Map a method argument to a factory method

    name - The name of the argument
    ref - The reference mapping id this method argument maps to
    dsl - The construction dsl this argument references. If used, the name value must be used.
    value - The value of the constructor argument, if passed.
    javaCast - The type of javaCast() to use on the value of the argument. Only used if using dsl or ref arguments


    public any mixins(any mixins='')

    Adds one, a list or an array of UDF templates to mixin to a CFC

    mixins - The udf include location(s) to mixin at runtime


    public any noAutowire()

    If you call this method on an object mapping, the object will NOT be inspected for injection/wiring metadata, it will use ONLY whatever you define in the mapping.


    public any noInit()

    If you call this method on an object mapping, the object's constructor will not be called. By default all constructors are called.


    public any notThreadSafe()

    This is the default wiring of objects that allow circular dependencies. By default all object's constructors are the only thread safe areas


    public any onDIComplete(any methods)

    The methods to execute once DI completes on the mapping

    methods - A list or an array of methods to execute once the mapping is created, inited and DI has happened.


    public any parent(any alias)

    this method lets you use an abstract or parent mapping as a template for other like objects

    alias - The parent class to copy dependencies and definitions from


    public any parentInjector(any injector)

    Link a parent injector to this configuration binder

    injector - A parent injector to configure link


    public any processMappings()

    Process all registered mappings, called by injector when ready to start serving requests


    public any property(any name, [any ref], [any dsl], [any value], [any javaCast], [any scope='variables'], [any required='true'])

    Map a cfproperty to a mapping

    name - The name of the cfproperty to inject into
    ref - The reference mapping id this property maps to
    dsl - The construction dsl this property references. If used, the name value must be used.
    value - The value of the property, if passed.
    javaCast - The type of javaCast() to use on the value of the property. Only used if using dsl or ref arguments
    scope - The scope in the CFC to inject the property to. By default it will inject it to the variables scope
    required - If the property is required or not, by default we assume required DI properties.


    public boolean propertyExists(any name)

    Checks if a property exists

    name - The name of the property


    public any providerMethod(any method, any mapping)

    Add a new provider method mapping

    method - The provided method to override or inject as a provider
    mapping - The mapping to provide via the selected method


    public void removeScanLocations(any locations)

    Try to remove all the scan locations passed in

    locations - Locations to remove from the lookup. A list or array of locations


    public void reset()

    Reset the configuration back to the original binder defaults


    public any scanLocations(any locations)

    Register one or more package scan locations for CFC lookups

    locations - A list or array of locations to add to package scanning.e.g.: ['coldbox','com.myapp','transfer']


    public any scopeRegistration([any<Boolean> enabled='[runtime expression]'], [any scope='[runtime expression]'], [any key='[runtime expression]'])

    Use to define injector scope registration

    enabled - Enable registration or not (defaults=false) Boolean
    scope - The scope to register on, defaults to application scope
    key - The key to use in the scope, defaults to wireBox


    public any setMapping(any name, any mapping)

    Set a mapping object into the mappings map

    name - The name of the mapping to register
    mapping - The mapping object to register


    public any setProperties(any<struct> properties)

    Set the binded properties structure



    public void setProperty(any name, any value)

    Create a new binding property

    name - The name of the property
    value - The value of the property


    public any setter(any name, [any ref], [any dsl], [any value], [any javaCast], [any argName])

    Map a setter function to a mapping

    name - The name of the setter method (without 'set').
    ref - The reference mapping object this setter method will receive
    dsl - The construction dsl this setter method will receive
    value - The value to pass into the setter method.
    javaCast - The type of javaCast() to use on the value. Only used if using dsl or ref arguments
    argName - The name of the argument to use, if not passed, we default it to the setter name


    public any stopRecursions(any classes)

    Configure the stop recursion classes

    classes - A list or array of classes to use so the injector can stop when looking for dependencies in inheritance chains


    public any threadSafe()

    Tells persistence scopes to build, wire, and do onDIComplete() on objects in an isolated lock. This will disallow circular references unless object providers are used. By default all object's constructors are the only thread safe areas


    public any to(any path)

    Map to a destination CFC class path.

    path - The class path to the object to map


    public any toDSL(any dsl)

    Map to a dsl that will be used to create the mapped object

    dsl - The DSL string to use


    public any toFactoryMethod(any factory, any method)

    Map to a factory and its executing method.

    factory - The mapping factory reference name
    method - The method to execute


    public any toJava(any path)

    Map to a java destination class path.

    path - The class path to the object to map


    public any toProvider(any provider)

    Map to a provider object that must implement coldbox.system.ioc.IProvider or a closure or UDF

    provider - The provider to map to


    public any toRSS(any path)

    Map to a rss destination class path.

    path - The class path to the object to map


    public any toValue(any value)

    Map to a constant value

    value - The value to bind to


    public any toWebservice(any path)

    Map to a webservice destination class path.

    path - The class path to the object to map


    public any unMap(any name)

    Destroys a mapping by name

    name - The name of the mapping to register


    public any virtualInheritance(any mapping)

    Tells WireBox to do a virtual inheritance mixin of the target and this passed mapping

    mapping - The mapping name of CFC to create the virtual inheritance from.


    public any with(any alias)

    Used to set the current working mapping name in place for the maping DSL. An exception is thrown if the mapping does not exist yet.

    alias - The name of the maping to set as current for working with it via the mapping DSL