
Class ClusterStorage

        extended by coldbox.system.FrameworkSupertype
            extended by coldbox.system.Plugin
                extended by coldbox.system.plugins.ClusterStorage
Class Attributes:
  • singleton : true
  • output : false

    Cluster Storage plugin. It provides the user with a mechanism for permanent data storage using the Cluster scope. This plugin creates a special variable in cluster scope that correctly identifies the coldbox app.

    Constructor Summary
    init(any controller)
    Method Summary
    void clearAll()
         Clear the entire coldbox cluster storage.
    private void createStorage()
         Create the storage scope.
    boolean deleteVar(string name)
         Tries to delete a permanent cluster variable.
    boolean exists(string name)
         Checks wether the permanent variable exists.
    struct getStorage()
         Get the entire storage scope structure.
    any getVar(string name, [any default=''])
         Get a new permanent variable.
    void removeStorage()
         remove the entire storage from scope.
    private any safeName(any value)
         Make a variable a safe var name.
    void setVar(string name, any value)
         Set a new permanent variable.
    Methods inherited from class coldbox.system.Plugin
    getPluginDescription, getPluginName, getPluginVersion, getRequestCollection, getRequestContext, getpluginAuthor, getpluginAuthorURL, getpluginPath, setPluginDescription, setPluginName, setPluginVersion, setpluginAuthor, setpluginAuthorURL
    Methods inherited from class coldbox.system.FrameworkSupertype
    $abort, $dump, $htmlhead, $include, $rethrow, $throw, addAsset, announceInterception, getColdboxOCM, getController, getDatasource, getDebugMode, getInterceptor, getMailService, getMailSettings, getMemento, getModel, getModuleSettings, getMyPlugin, getNewMail, getPlugin, getResource, getSetting, getSettingStructure, getSettingsBean, getValidationManager, getfwLocale, includeUDF, loadGlobalUDFLibraries, locateDirectoryPath, locateFilePath, persistVariables, populateModel, relocate, renderExternalView, renderLayout, renderView, runEvent, setDebugMode, setNextEvent, setNextRoute, setSetting, setfwLocale, settingExists, validateModel
    Methods inherited from class WEB-INF.cftags.component

    Constructor Detail


    public init(any controller)

    controller - coldbox.system.web.Controller

    Method Detail


    public void clearAll()

    Clear the entire coldbox cluster storage


    private void createStorage()

    Create the storage scope. Thread Safe


    public boolean deleteVar(string name)

    Tries to delete a permanent cluster variable. Returns True if deleted.

    name - The variable name to retrieve.


    public boolean exists(string name)

    Checks wether the permanent variable exists.

    name - The variable name to retrieve.


    public struct getStorage()

    Get the entire storage scope structure


    public any getVar(string name, [any default=''])

    Get a new permanent variable. If the variable does not exist. The method returns blank unless using the default return argument.

    name - The variable name to retrieve.
    default - The default value to set. If not used, a blank is returned.


    public void removeStorage()

    remove the entire storage from scope


    private any safeName(any value)

    Make a variable a safe var name

    value - The value to make it var safe


    public void setVar(string name, any value)

    Set a new permanent variable.

    name - The name of the variable.
    value - The value to set in the variable.