
Class ResourceBundle

        extended by coldbox.system.FrameworkSupertype
            extended by coldbox.system.Plugin
                extended by coldbox.system.plugins.ResourceBundle
Class Attributes:
  • singleton
  • output : false

    Reads and parses java resource bundles with a nice integration for replacement and MVC usage

    Constructor Summary
    init(any controller)
    Method Summary
    string formatRBString(string rbString, any substituteValues)
         performs messageFormat like operation on compound rb string.
    struct getBundles()
         Reference to loaded bundles.
    string getDefaultLocale()
         Reference to the default application locale.
    string getDefaultResourceBundle()
         Reference to the default application resource bundle location.
    array getLoadedBundles()
         Get a list of all loaded bundles.
    array getRBKeys(any rbFile, [any rbLocale=''])
         Returns an array of keys from a specific resource bundle.
    any getRBString(any rbFile, any rbKey, [any rbLocale='en_US'], [any default])
         Returns a given key from a specific resource bundle file and locale.
    any getResource(any resource, [any default], [any locale='[runtime expression]'], [any values], [any bundle='default'])
         Get a resource from a specific loaded bundle and locale.
    struct getResourceBundle(any rbFile, [any rbLocale='en_US'])
         Reads,parses and returns a resource bundle in struct format.
    string getUnknownTranslation()
         Reference to the default application unknown translation string.
    struct getVersion()
         Returns version of this CFC and java library it uses.
    any loadBundle(string rbFile, [string rbLocale='en_US'], [boolean force='false'], [string rbAlias='default'])
         Tries to load a resource bundle into ColdBox memory if not loaded already.
    string messageFormat(string thisPattern, any args, [any thisLocale=''])
         performs messageFormat on compound rb string.
    boolean verifyPattern(string pattern)
         Performs verification on MessageFormat pattern.
    Methods inherited from class coldbox.system.Plugin
    getPluginDescription, getPluginName, getPluginVersion, getRequestCollection, getRequestContext, getpluginAuthor, getpluginAuthorURL, getpluginPath, setPluginDescription, setPluginName, setPluginVersion, setpluginAuthor, setpluginAuthorURL
    Methods inherited from class coldbox.system.FrameworkSupertype
    $abort, $dump, $htmlhead, $include, $rethrow, $throw, addAsset, announceInterception, getColdboxOCM, getController, getDatasource, getDebugMode, getInterceptor, getMailService, getMailSettings, getMemento, getModel, getModuleSettings, getMyPlugin, getNewMail, getPlugin, getSetting, getSettingStructure, getSettingsBean, getValidationManager, getfwLocale, includeUDF, loadGlobalUDFLibraries, locateDirectoryPath, locateFilePath, persistVariables, populateModel, relocate, renderExternalView, renderLayout, renderView, runEvent, setDebugMode, setNextEvent, setNextRoute, setSetting, setfwLocale, settingExists, validateModel
    Methods inherited from class WEB-INF.cftags.component

    Constructor Detail


    public init(any controller)



    Method Detail


    public string formatRBString(string rbString, any substituteValues)

    performs messageFormat like operation on compound rb string. So if you have a string with {1} it will replace it. You can also have multiple and send in an array to do replacements.

    substituteValues - Array, Struct or single value to format.


    public struct getBundles()

    Reference to loaded bundles


    public string getDefaultLocale()

    Reference to the default application locale


    public string getDefaultResourceBundle()

    Reference to the default application resource bundle location


    public array getLoadedBundles()

    Get a list of all loaded bundles


    public array getRBKeys(any rbFile, [any rbLocale=''])

    Returns an array of keys from a specific resource bundle

    rbFile - This must be the path + filename UP to but NOT including the locale. We auto-add the local and .properties to the end.
    rbLocale - The locale to use, if not passed, defaults to default locale.


    public any getRBString(any rbFile, any rbKey, [any rbLocale='en_US'], [any default])

    Returns a given key from a specific resource bundle file and locale. NOT FROM MEMORY

    rbFile - This must be the path + filename UP to but NOT including the locale. We auto-add the local and .properties to the end.
    rbKey - The key to retrieve
    rbLocale - The locale of the bundle. Default is en_US
    default - A default value to send back if resource not found


    public any getResource(any resource, [any default], [any locale='[runtime expression]'], [any values], [any bundle='default'])

    Get a resource from a specific loaded bundle and locale

    getResource in class FrameworkSupertype
    resource - The resource (key) to retrieve from the main loaded bundle.
    default - A default value to send back if the resource (key) not found
    locale - Pass in which locale to take the resource from. By default it uses the user's current set locale
    values - An array, struct or simple string of value replacements to use on the resource string
    bundle - The bundle alias to use to get the resource from when using multiple resource bundles. By default the bundle name used is 'default'


    public struct getResourceBundle(any rbFile, [any rbLocale='en_US'])

    Reads,parses and returns a resource bundle in struct format

    rbFile - This must be the path + filename UP to but NOT including the locale. We auto-add the local and .properties to the end.
    rbLocale - The locale of the resource bundle


    public string getUnknownTranslation()

    Reference to the default application unknown translation string


    public struct getVersion()

    Returns version of this CFC and java library it uses.


    public any loadBundle(string rbFile, [string rbLocale='en_US'], [boolean force='false'], [string rbAlias='default'])

    Tries to load a resource bundle into ColdBox memory if not loaded already

    rbFile - This must be the path + filename UP to but NOT including the locale. We auto-add .properties to the end alongside the locale
    rbLocale - The locale of the bundle to load
    force - Forces the loading of the bundle even if its in memory
    rbAlias - The unique alias name used to store this resource bundle in memory. The default name is the name of the rbFile passed if not passed.


    public string messageFormat(string thisPattern, any args, [any thisLocale=''])

    performs messageFormat on compound rb string

    thisPattern - pattern to use in formatting
    args - substitution values, simple or array
    thisLocale - locale to use in formatting, defaults to en_US


    public boolean verifyPattern(string pattern)

    Performs verification on MessageFormat pattern

    pattern - format pattern to test