
Class RequestContext

        extended by coldbox.system.web.context.RequestContext
Class Attributes:
  • output : false
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    The request context object simulates a user request. It has two internal data collections: one public and one private. You can also manipulate the request stream and contents from this object.

    Constructor Summary
    init(any properties, any controller)
    Method Summary
    private void $dump(any var, [boolean isAbort='false'])
         Facade for cfmx dump.
    private any $throw(string message, [string detail=''], [string type='Framework'])
         Facade for cfthrow.
    any buildLink(string linkto, [boolean translate='true'], [boolean ssl='false'], [string baseURL=''], [string queryString=''])
         Builds a link to a passed event, either SES or normal link.
    any clearCollection([boolean private='false'])
         Clears the entire collection.
    any collectionAppend(any collection, [boolean overwrite='false'], [boolean private='false'])
         Append a structure to the collection, with overwrite or not.
    any<struct> getCollection([boolean deepCopyFlag='false'], [boolean private='false'])
         I Get a reference or deep copy of the public or private request Collection.
    any getCurrentAction()
         Gets the current action requested in the current event: String.
    any getCurrentEvent()
         Gets the current incoming event.
    any getCurrentHandler()
         Gets the current handler requested in the current event: String.
    any getCurrentLayout()
         Gets the current set layout for rendering.
    any getCurrentLayoutModule()
         Gets the current set layout's module for rendering.
    any getCurrentModule()
         Gets the current module name, else returns empty string.
    any getCurrentRoute()
         Get the current request's SES route that matched.
    any getCurrentRoutedNamespace()
         Get the current routed namespace that matched the SES route, if any.
    any getCurrentRoutedURL()
         Get the current routed URL that matched the SES route.
    any getCurrentView()
         Gets the current set view the framework will try to render for this request.
    any getCurrentViewArgs()
         Gets the current set view the framework will try to render for this request.
    any getCurrentViewModule()
         Gets the current set views's module for rendering.
    boolean getDebugPanelFlag()
         I return the debugpanel flag for this request.
    any getDefaultLayout()
         Get's the default layout of the application: String.
    any getDefaultView()
         Get's the default view of the application: String.
    any getEventCacheableEntry()
         Get the event cacheable entry.
    any getEventName()
         The event name used by the application: String.
    struct getFolderLayouts()
         Get the registered folder layout associations map.
    struct getHTTPBasicCredentials()
         Returns the username and password sent via HTTP basic authentication.
    any getHTTPContent()
         Get the raw HTTP content.
    any getHTTPHeader(string header, [any default])
         Get a HTTP header.
    any getHTTPMethod()
         Get the HTTP Request Method Type.
    any getMemento()
         Get the state of this request context.
    any getModuleRoot([any module=''])
         Convenience method to get the current request's module root path.
    struct getRegisteredLayouts()
         Get all the registered layouts in the configuration file.
    any getRenderData()
         Get the renderData structure.
    struct getRoutedStruct()
         Get the routed structure of key-value pairs.
    string getSESBaseURL()
         Get the ses base URL for this request.
    any getSelf()
         Returns index.
    numeric getSize([boolean private='false'])
         Returns the number of elements in the collection.
    Any getTrimValue(any name, [any defaultValue], [boolean private='false'])
         I Get a value from the request collection and if simple value, I will trim it.
    Any getValue(any name, [any defaultValue], [any private='false'])
         I Get a value from the public or private request collection.
    any getViewCacheableEntry()
         Get the event cacheable entry.
    struct getViewLayouts()
         Get the registered view layout associations map.
    boolean isAjax()
         Determines if in an Ajax call or not by looking at the request headers.
    any isEventCacheable()
         Check wether the incoming event has been flagged for caching.
    any isNoExecution()
         Determine if we need to execute an incoming event or not.
    any isNoRender()
         Is this a no render request.
    boolean isProxyRequest()
         Is this a coldbox proxy request.
    boolean isSES()
         Determine if you are in SES mode.
    boolean isSSL()
         Returns boolean result whether current request is in ssl or not.
    boolean isViewCacheable()
         Check wether the incoming view has been flagged for caching.
    any noExecution()
         Set that the request will not execute an incoming event.
    any noLayout()
         Mark this request to not use a layout for rendering.
    any noRender([boolean remove='false'])
         Set the flag that tells the framework not to render, just execute.
    any overrideEvent([any event])
         I Override the current event in the request collection.
    any paramValue(any name, any value, [boolean private='false'])
         Just like cfparam, but for the request collection.
    any removeEventCacheableEntry()
         Remove the cacheable entry.
    any removeValue(string name, [boolean private='false'])
         I remove a value in the request collection.
    any renderData([string type='HTML'], any data, string contentType='', [string encoding='utf-8'], [numeric statusCode='200'], [string statusText=''], [string location=''], [string jsonCallback=''], [string jsonQueryFormat='query'], [boolean jsonAsText='false'], [string xmlColumnList=''], [boolean xmlUseCDATA='false'], [string xmlListDelimiter=','], [string xmlRootName=''], [struct pdfArgs='[runtime expression]'], [any formats=''], [any formatsView=''], [boolean isBinary='false'])
         Use this method to tell the framework to render data for you.
    private any renderWithFormats()
         Render With Formats.
    any setDefaultLayout(string DefaultLayout)
         Override the default layout for a request.
    any setDefaultView(string DefaultView)
         Override the default view for a request.
    any setEventCacheableEntry(any mdCacheEntry)
         Set the event cacheable entry.
    any setHTTPHeader([string statusCode], [string statusText=''], [string name], [string value=''], [string charset='UTF-8'])
         Set an HTTP Header.
    any setLayout(any name, [any module=''])
         I Set the layout to override and render.
    any setMemento(any memento)
         Set the state of this request context.
    any setProxyRequest()
         Set that this is a proxy request.
    any setRoutedStruct(struct routedStruct)
         Set routed struct of key-value pairs.
    any setSESBaseURL(string sesBaseURL)
         Set the ses base URL for this request.
    any setValue(any name, any value, [boolean private='false'])
         I Set a value in the request collection.
    any setView([any view], [boolean nolayout='false'], [boolean cache='false'], [any cacheTimeout=''], [any cacheLastAccessTimeout=''], [any cacheSuffix=''], [any cacheProvider='template'], [any layout], [any module=''], [struct args='[runtime expression]'])
         I Set the view to render in this request.
    any setViewCacheableEntry(any mdCacheEntry)
         Set the view cacheable entry.
    any setisSES(boolean isSES)
         Set the isSES flag, usualy done by the SES interceptor.
    any showDebugPanel(boolean show)
         I can override to show or not the debug panel.
    boolean valueExists(any name, [boolean private='false'])
         I Check if a value exists in the request collection.
    Methods inherited from class WEB-INF.cftags.component

    Constructor Detail


    public init(any properties, any controller)


    properties - The context properties struct
    controller - The ColdBox Controller

    Method Detail


    private void $dump(any var, [boolean isAbort='false'])

    Facade for cfmx dump

    isAbort - Abort also


    private any $throw(string message, [string detail=''], [string type='Framework'])

    Facade for cfthrow



    public any buildLink(string linkto, [boolean translate='true'], [boolean ssl='false'], [string baseURL=''], [string queryString=''])

    Builds a link to a passed event, either SES or normal link. If the ses interceptor is declared it will create routes.

    linkto - The event or route you want to create the link to
    translate - Translate between . and / depending on the ses mode. So you can just use dot notation.
    ssl - If true, it will change http to https if found in the ses base url.
    baseURL - If not using SES, you can use this argument to create your own base url apart from the default of index.cfm. Example:
    queryString - The query string to append, if needed.


    public any clearCollection([boolean private='false'])

    Clears the entire collection

    private - Use public or private request collection


    public any collectionAppend(any collection, [boolean overwrite='false'], [boolean private='false'])

    Append a structure to the collection, with overwrite or not. Overwrite = false by default

    collection - A collection to append
    overwrite - If you need to override data in the collection, set this to true.
    private - Use public or private request collection


    Public any<struct> getCollection([boolean deepCopyFlag='false'], [boolean private='false'])

    I Get a reference or deep copy of the public or private request Collection

    deepCopyFlag - Default is false, gives a reference to the collection. True, creates a deep copy of the collection.
    private - Use public or private request collection


    public any getCurrentAction()

    Gets the current action requested in the current event: String


    public any getCurrentEvent()

    Gets the current incoming event


    public any getCurrentHandler()

    Gets the current handler requested in the current event: String


    public any getCurrentLayout()

    Gets the current set layout for rendering


    public any getCurrentLayoutModule()

    Gets the current set layout's module for rendering


    public any getCurrentModule()

    Gets the current module name, else returns empty string


    public any getCurrentRoute()

    Get the current request's SES route that matched


    public any getCurrentRoutedNamespace()

    Get the current routed namespace that matched the SES route, if any


    public any getCurrentRoutedURL()

    Get the current routed URL that matched the SES route


    public any getCurrentView()

    Gets the current set view the framework will try to render for this request


    public any getCurrentViewArgs()

    Gets the current set view the framework will try to render for this request


    public any getCurrentViewModule()

    Gets the current set views's module for rendering


    public boolean getDebugPanelFlag()

    I return the debugpanel flag for this request.


    public any getDefaultLayout()

    Get's the default layout of the application: String


    public any getDefaultView()

    Get's the default view of the application: String


    public any getEventCacheableEntry()

    Get the event cacheable entry


    public any getEventName()

    The event name used by the application: String


    public struct getFolderLayouts()

    Get the registered folder layout associations map


    public struct getHTTPBasicCredentials()

    Returns the username and password sent via HTTP basic authentication


    public any getHTTPContent()

    Get the raw HTTP content


    public any getHTTPHeader(string header, [any default])

    Get a HTTP header

    header - The header key
    default - A default value if the header does not exist


    public any getHTTPMethod()

    Get the HTTP Request Method Type


    public any getMemento()

    Get the state of this request context


    public any getModuleRoot([any module=''])

    Convenience method to get the current request's module root path. If no module, then returns empty path. You can also get this from the modules settings.

    module - Optional name of the module you want the root for, defaults to the current module


    public struct getRegisteredLayouts()

    Get all the registered layouts in the configuration file


    public any getRenderData()

    Get the renderData structure.


    public struct getRoutedStruct()

    Get the routed structure of key-value pairs. What the ses interceptor could match.


    public string getSESBaseURL()

    Get the ses base URL for this request


    public any getSelf()

    Returns index.cfm?{eventName}= : String


    public numeric getSize([boolean private='false'])

    Returns the number of elements in the collection

    private - Use public or private request collection


    Public Any getTrimValue(any name, [any defaultValue], [boolean private='false'])

    I Get a value from the request collection and if simple value, I will trim it.

    name - Name of the variable to get from the request collection
    defaultValue - Default value to return if not found.
    private - Use public or private request collection


    Public Any getValue(any name, [any defaultValue], [any private='false'])

    I Get a value from the public or private request collection.

    name - Name of the variable to get from the request collection
    defaultValue - Default value to return if not found.
    private - Use public or private request collection. Boolean


    public any getViewCacheableEntry()

    Get the event cacheable entry


    public struct getViewLayouts()

    Get the registered view layout associations map


    public boolean isAjax()

    Determines if in an Ajax call or not by looking at the request headers


    public any isEventCacheable()

    Check wether the incoming event has been flagged for caching. Boolean


    public any isNoExecution()

    Determine if we need to execute an incoming event or not.


    public any isNoRender()

    Is this a no render request


    public boolean isProxyRequest()

    Is this a coldbox proxy request


    public boolean isSES()

    Determine if you are in SES mode.


    public boolean isSSL()

    Returns boolean result whether current request is in ssl or not


    public boolean isViewCacheable()

    Check wether the incoming view has been flagged for caching


    public any noExecution()

    Set that the request will not execute an incoming event. Most likely simulating a servlet call.


    public any noLayout()

    Mark this request to not use a layout for rendering


    public any noRender([boolean remove='false'])

    Set the flag that tells the framework not to render, just execute

    remove - If true, it removes the flag, else its set.


    Public any overrideEvent([any event])

    I Override the current event in the request collection. This method does not execute the event, it just replaces the event to be executed by the framework's RunEvent() method. This method is usually called from an onRequestStart or onApplicationStart method.

    event - The name of the event to override.


    Public any paramValue(any name, any value, [boolean private='false'])

    Just like cfparam, but for the request collection

    name - Name of the variable to param in the request collection: String
    value - The value of the variable to set if not found.
    private - Use public or private request collection


    public any removeEventCacheableEntry()

    Remove the cacheable entry


    Public any removeValue(string name, [boolean private='false'])

    I remove a value in the request collection

    name - The name of the variable to remove.
    private - Use public or private request collection


    public any renderData([string type='HTML'], any data, string contentType='', [string encoding='utf-8'], [numeric statusCode='200'], [string statusText=''], [string location=''], [string jsonCallback=''], [string jsonQueryFormat='query'], [boolean jsonAsText='false'], [string xmlColumnList=''], [boolean xmlUseCDATA='false'], [string xmlListDelimiter=','], [string xmlRootName=''], [struct pdfArgs='[runtime expression]'], [any formats=''], [any formatsView=''], [boolean isBinary='false'])

    Use this method to tell the framework to render data for you. The framework will take care of marshalling the data for you

    type - The type of data to render. Valid types are JSON, JSONP, JSONT, XML, WDDX, PLAIN/HTML, TEXT, PDF. The deafult is HTML or PLAIN. If an invalid type is sent in, this method will throw an error
    data - The data you would like to marshall and return by the framework
    contentType - The content type of the data. This will be used in the cfcontent tag: text/html, text/plain, text/xml, text/json, etc. The default value is text/html. However, if you choose JSON this method will choose application/json, if you choose WDDX or XML this method will choose text/xml for you. The default encoding is utf-8
    encoding - The default character encoding to use
    statusCode - The HTTP status code to send to the browser. Defaults to 200
    statusText - Explains the HTTP status code sent to the browser.
    location - Optional argument used to set the HTTP Location header
    jsonCallback - Only needed when using JSONP, this is the callback to add to the JSON packet
    jsonQueryFormat - JSON Only: query or array format for encoding. The default is CF query standard
    jsonAsText - If set to false, defaults content mime-type to application/json, else will change encoding to plain/text
    xmlColumnList - XML Only: Choose which columns to inspect, by default it uses all the columns in the query, if using a query
    xmlUseCDATA - XML Only: Use CDATA content for ALL values. The default is false
    xmlListDelimiter - XML Only: The delimiter in the list. Comma by default
    xmlRootName - XML Only: The name of the initial root element of the XML packet
    pdfArgs - All the PDF arguments to pass along to the CFDocument tag.
    formats - The formats list or array that ColdBox should respond to using the passed in data argument. You can pass any of the valid types (JSON,JSONP,JSONT,XML,WDDX,PLAIN,HTML,TEXT,PDF). For PDF and HTML we will try to render the view by convention based on the incoming event.
    formatsView - The view that should be used for rendering HTML/PLAIN/PDF. By default ColdBox uses the name of the event as an implicit view.
    isBinary - Bit that determines if the data being set for rendering is binary or not.


    private any renderWithFormats()

    Render With Formats


    public any setDefaultLayout(string DefaultLayout)

    Override the default layout for a request



    public any setDefaultView(string DefaultView)

    Override the default view for a request



    public any setEventCacheableEntry(any mdCacheEntry)

    Set the event cacheable entry

    mdCacheEntry - The cache entry we need to get to cache


    public any setHTTPHeader([string statusCode], [string statusText=''], [string name], [string value=''], [string charset='UTF-8'])

    Set an HTTP Header

    statusCode - A status code
    statusText - A status text
    name - The header name
    value - The header value
    charset - The charset to use


    public any setLayout(any name, [any module=''])

    I Set the layout to override and render. Layouts are pre-defined in the config file. However I can override these settings if needed. Do not append a the cfm extension. Private Request Collection name: currentLayout

    name - The name or alias of the layout file to set.
    module - Is the layout from a module or not


    public any setMemento(any memento)

    Set the state of this request context



    public any setProxyRequest()

    Set that this is a proxy request


    public any setRoutedStruct(struct routedStruct)

    Set routed struct of key-value pairs. This is used only by the SES interceptor. Not for public use.



    public any setSESBaseURL(string sesBaseURL)

    Set the ses base URL for this request



    Public any setValue(any name, any value, [boolean private='false'])

    I Set a value in the request collection

    name - The name of the variable to set. String
    value - The value of the variable to set
    private - Use public or private request collection


    public any setView([any view], [boolean nolayout='false'], [boolean cache='false'], [any cacheTimeout=''], [any cacheLastAccessTimeout=''], [any cacheSuffix=''], [any cacheProvider='template'], [any layout], [any module=''], [struct args='[runtime expression]'])

    I Set the view to render in this request. Private Request Collection Name: currentView, currentLayout

    view - The name of the view to set. If a layout has been defined it will assign it, else if will assign the default layout. No extension please
    nolayout - Boolean flag, wether the view sent in will be using a layout or not. Default is false. Uses a pre set layout or the default layout.
    cache - True if you want to cache the rendered view.
    cacheTimeout - The cache timeout
    cacheLastAccessTimeout - The last access timeout
    cacheSuffix - Add a cache suffix to the view cache entry. Great for multi-domain caching or i18n caching.
    cacheProvider - The cache provider you want to use for storing the rendered view. By default we use the 'template' cache provider
    layout - You can override the rendering layout of this setView() call if you want to. Else it defaults to implicit resolution or another override.
    module - Is the view from a module or not
    args - An optional set of arguments that will be available when the view is rendered


    public any setViewCacheableEntry(any mdCacheEntry)

    Set the view cacheable entry

    mdCacheEntry - The cache entry we need to get to cache


    public any setisSES(boolean isSES)

    Set the isSES flag, usualy done by the SES interceptor



    public any showDebugPanel(boolean show)

    I can override to show or not the debug panel. Very useful in AJAX debugging



    Public boolean valueExists(any name, [boolean private='false'])

    I Check if a value exists in the request collection.

    name - Name of the variable to find in the request collection: String
    private - Use public or private request collection