
Class FrameworkSupertype

    extended by coldbox.system.FrameworkSupertype
Direct Known Subclasses:
EventHandler , Interceptor , HTMLHelper , Renderer

Copyright Since 2005 ColdBox Framework by Luis Majano and Ortus Solutions, Corp --- Base class for all things Box

Class Attributes:
  • synchronized : false
  • accessors : true
  • persistent : false
  • serializable : false
  • author : Luis Majano
    Property Summary
    type property default serializable required
    any controller

    • access = public
    • returntype = any
    true false
    Method Summary
    string addAsset(any asset)
         Add a js/css asset(s) to the html head section.
    any announceInterception(any state, [struct interceptData='[runtime expression]'], [boolean async='false'], [boolean asyncAll='false'], [boolean asyncAllJoin='true'], [any asyncPriority='NORMAL'], [numeric asyncJoinTimeout='0'])
         Announce an interception to the system.
    any getCache([any name='default'])
         Get a named CacheBox Cache.
    string getController()
    struct getDatasource(any alias)
         Get a datasource structure representation.
    any getInstance([any name], [any dsl], [any initArguments='[runtime expression]'])
         Get a instance object from WireBox.
    any getInterceptor(any interceptorName)
         Get an interceptor reference.
    any getModel([any name], [any dsl], [any initArguments='[runtime expression]'])
         Get a model object.
    struct getModuleConfig(any module)
         Get a module's configuration structure.
    any getModuleSettings(any module, [any setting], [any defaultValue])
         Get a module's settings structure or a specific setting if the setting key is passed.
    any getMyPlugin()
    any getPlugin()
    any getRenderer()
         Retrieve the system web renderer.
    struct getRequestCollection([boolean private='false'])
         Get the RC or PRC collection reference.
    any getRequestContext()
         Retrieve the request context object.
    any getSetting(any name, [boolean fwSetting='false'], [any defaultValue])
         Get a setting from the system.
    any getSettingStructure([boolean fwSetting='false'], [boolean deepCopy='false'])
         DEPRECATED: Get all the settings structure.
    any includeUDF(any udflibrary)
         Injects a UDF Library (*.
    any loadApplicationHelpers()
         Load the global application helper libraries defined in the applicationHelper Setting of your application.
    string locateDirectoryPath(any pathToCheck)
         Resolve a directory to be either relative or absolute in your application.
    string locateFilePath(any pathToCheck)
         Resolve a file to be either relative or absolute in your application.
    any persistVariables([any persist=''], [struct persistStruct='[runtime expression]'])
         Persist variables into the Flash RAM.
    any populateModel(any model, [any scope=''], [boolean trustedSetter='false'], [any include=''], [any exclude=''], [boolean ignoreEmpty='false'], [any nullEmptyInclude=''], [any nullEmptyExclude=''], [boolean composeRelationships='false'], [struct memento='[runtime expression]'], [string jsonstring], [string xml], [query qry])
         Populate a model object from the request Collection or a passed in memento structure.
    any renderExternalView(any view, [struct args='[runtime expression]'], [boolean cache='false'], [any cacheTimeout=''], [any cacheLastAccessTimeout=''], [any cacheSuffix=''], [any cacheProvider='template'])
         Renders an external view anywhere that cfinclude works.
    any renderLayout([any layout], [any module=''], [any view=''], [struct args='[runtime expression]'], [any viewModule=''], [boolean prePostExempt='false'])
         Render a layout or a layout + view combo.
    any renderView([any view=''], [struct args='[runtime expression]'], [any module=''], [boolean cache='false'], [any cacheTimeout=''], [any cacheLastAccessTimeout=''], [any cacheSuffix=''], [any cacheProvider='template'], [any collection], [any collectionAs=''], [numeric collectionStartRow='1'], [numeric collectionMaxRows='0'], [any collectionDelim=''], [boolean prePostExempt='false'])
         Render out a view.
    any runEvent([any event=''], [boolean prePostExempt='false'], [boolean private='false'], [boolean defaultEvent='false'], [struct eventArguments='[runtime expression]'], [boolean cache='false'], [any cacheTimeout=''], [any cacheLastAccessTimeout=''], [any cacheSuffix=''], [any cacheProvider='template'])
         Executes events with full life-cycle methods and returns the event results if any were returned.
    any setController(any controller)
    void setNextEvent([any event], [any URL], [any URI], [any queryString], [any persist], [struct persistStruct], [boolean addToken], [boolean ssl], [any baseURL], [boolean postProcessExempt], [numeric statusCode])
         Relocate the user to another location.
    any setSetting(any name, any value)
         Set a new setting in the system.
    boolean settingExists(any name, [boolean fwSetting='false'])
         Verify a setting from the system.
    Methods inherited from class lucee.Component

    Property Detail


    property any controller

    access - public
    required - false
    returntype - any
    serializable - true

    Method Detail


    public string addAsset(any asset)

    Add a js/css asset(s) to the html head section. You can also pass in a list of assets. This method keeps track of the loaded assets so they are only loaded once

    asset - The asset(s) to load, only js or css files. This can also be a comma delimmited list.


    public any announceInterception(any state, [struct interceptData='[runtime expression]'], [boolean async='false'], [boolean asyncAll='false'], [boolean asyncAllJoin='true'], [any asyncPriority='NORMAL'], [numeric asyncJoinTimeout='0'])

    Announce an interception to the system. If you use the asynchronous facilities, you will get a thread structure report as a result.

    state - The event to announce
    interceptData - A data structure used to pass intercepted information.
    async - If true, the entire interception chain will be ran in a separate thread.
    asyncAll - If true, each interceptor in the interception chain will be ran in a separate thread and then joined together at the end.
    asyncAllJoin - If true, each interceptor in the interception chain will be ran in a separate thread and joined together at the end by default. If you set this flag to false then there will be no joining and waiting for the threads to finalize.
    asyncPriority - The thread priority to be used. Either LOW, NORMAL or HIGH. The default value is NORMAL
    asyncJoinTimeout - The timeout in milliseconds for the join thread to wait for interceptor threads to finish. By default there is no timeout.
    struct of thread information or void


    public any getCache([any name='default'])

    Get a named CacheBox Cache

    name - The name of the cache to retrieve, if not passed, it used the 'default' cache.


    public string getController()


    public struct getDatasource(any alias)

    Get a datasource structure representation

    alias - The alias of the datasource to get from the config structures


    public any getInstance([any name], [any dsl], [any initArguments='[runtime expression]'])

    Get a instance object from WireBox

    name - The mapping name or CFC path to retrieve
    dsl - The DSL string to use to retrieve an instance
    initArguments - The constructor structure of arguments to passthrough when initializing the instance


    public any getInterceptor(any interceptorName)

    Get an interceptor reference

    interceptorName - The name of the interceptor to retrieve


    public any getModel([any name], [any dsl], [any initArguments='[runtime expression]'])

    Get a model object

    name - The mapping name or CFC path to retrieve
    dsl - The DSL string to use to retrieve an instance
    initArguments - The constructor structure of arguments to passthrough when initializing the instance


    public struct getModuleConfig(any module)

    Get a module's configuration structure

    module - The module to retrieve the configuration structure from


    public any getModuleSettings(any module, [any setting], [any defaultValue])

    Get a module's settings structure or a specific setting if the setting key is passed

    module - The module to retrieve the configuration settings from
    setting - The setting to retrieve if passed
    defaultValue - The default value to return if setting does not exist
    struct or any


    public any getMyPlugin()


    public any getPlugin()



    public any getRenderer()

    Retrieve the system web renderer



    public struct getRequestCollection([boolean private='false'])

    Get the RC or PRC collection reference

    private - The boolean bit that says give me the RC by default or true for the private collection (PRC)


    public any getRequestContext()

    Retrieve the request context object



    public any getSetting(any name, [boolean fwSetting='false'], [any defaultValue])

    Get a setting from the system

    name - The key of the setting
    fwSetting - Retrieve from the config or fw settings, defaults to config
    defaultValue - If not found in config, default return value


    public any getSettingStructure([boolean fwSetting='false'], [boolean deepCopy='false'])

    DEPRECATED: Get all the settings structure

    fwSetting - Retrieve from the config or fw settings, defaults to config
    deepCopy - Do a deep or shallow copy, shallow is default


    public any includeUDF(any udflibrary)

    Injects a UDF Library (*.cfc or *.cfm) into the target object. It does not however, put the mixins on any of the cfc scopes. Therefore they can only be called internally

    udflibrary - The UDF library to inject


    public any loadApplicationHelpers()

    Load the global application helper libraries defined in the applicationHelper Setting of your application. This is called by the framework ONLY! Use at your own risk



    public string locateDirectoryPath(any pathToCheck)

    Resolve a directory to be either relative or absolute in your application

    pathToCheck - The file path to check


    public string locateFilePath(any pathToCheck)

    Resolve a file to be either relative or absolute in your application

    pathToCheck - The file path to check


    public any persistVariables([any persist=''], [struct persistStruct='[runtime expression]'])

    Persist variables into the Flash RAM

    persist - A list of request collection keys to persist
    persistStruct - A struct of key-value pairs to persist


    public any populateModel(any model, [any scope=''], [boolean trustedSetter='false'], [any include=''], [any exclude=''], [boolean ignoreEmpty='false'], [any nullEmptyInclude=''], [any nullEmptyExclude=''], [boolean composeRelationships='false'], [struct memento='[runtime expression]'], [string jsonstring], [string xml], [query qry])

    Populate a model object from the request Collection or a passed in memento structure

    model - The name of the model to get and populate or the acutal model object. If you already have an instance of a model, then use the populateBean() method
    scope - Use scope injection instead of setters population. Ex: scope=variables.instance.
    trustedSetter - If set to true, the setter method will be called even if it does not exist in the object
    include - A list of keys to include in the population
    exclude - A list of keys to exclude in the population
    ignoreEmpty - Ignore empty values on populations, great for ORM population
    nullEmptyInclude - A list of keys to NULL when empty
    nullEmptyExclude - A list of keys to NOT NULL when empty
    composeRelationships - Automatically attempt to compose relationships from memento
    memento - A structure to populate the model, if not passed it defaults to the request collection
    jsonstring - If you pass a json string, we will populate your model with it
    xml - If you pass an xml string, we will populate your model with it
    qry - If you pass a query, we will populate your model with it


    public any renderExternalView(any view, [struct args='[runtime expression]'], [boolean cache='false'], [any cacheTimeout=''], [any cacheLastAccessTimeout=''], [any cacheSuffix=''], [any cacheProvider='template'])

    Renders an external view anywhere that cfinclude works.

    view - The the view to render
    args - A struct of arguments to pass into the view for rendering, will be available as 'args' in the view.
    cache - Cached the view output or not, defaults to false
    cacheTimeout - The time in minutes to cache the view
    cacheLastAccessTimeout - The time in minutes the view will be removed from cache if idle or requested
    cacheSuffix - The suffix to add into the cache entry for this view rendering
    cacheProvider - The provider to cache this view in, defaults to 'template'


    public any renderLayout([any layout], [any module=''], [any view=''], [struct args='[runtime expression]'], [any viewModule=''], [boolean prePostExempt='false'])

    Render a layout or a layout + view combo

    layout - The layout to render out
    module - The module to explicitly render this layout from
    view - The view to render within this layout
    args - An optional set of arguments that will be available to this layouts/view rendering ONLY
    viewModule - The module to explicitly render the view from
    prePostExempt - If true, pre/post layout interceptors will not be fired. By default they do fire


    public any renderView([any view=''], [struct args='[runtime expression]'], [any module=''], [boolean cache='false'], [any cacheTimeout=''], [any cacheLastAccessTimeout=''], [any cacheSuffix=''], [any cacheProvider='template'], [any collection], [any collectionAs=''], [numeric collectionStartRow='1'], [numeric collectionMaxRows='0'], [any collectionDelim=''], [boolean prePostExempt='false'])

    Render out a view

    view - The the view to render, if not passed, then we look in the request context for the current set view.
    args - A struct of arguments to pass into the view for rendering, will be available as 'args' in the view.
    module - The module to render the view from explicitly
    cache - Cached the view output or not, defaults to false
    cacheTimeout - The time in minutes to cache the view
    cacheLastAccessTimeout - The time in minutes the view will be removed from cache if idle or requested
    cacheSuffix - The suffix to add into the cache entry for this view rendering
    cacheProvider - The provider to cache this view in, defaults to 'template'
    collection - A collection to use by this Renderer to render the view as many times as the items in the collection (Array or Query)
    collectionAs - The name of the collection variable in the partial rendering. If not passed, we will use the name of the view by convention
    collectionStartRow - The start row to limit the collection rendering with
    collectionMaxRows - The max rows to iterate over the collection rendering with
    collectionDelim - A string to delimit the collection renderings by
    prePostExempt - If true, pre/post view interceptors will not be fired. By default they do fire


    public any runEvent([any event=''], [boolean prePostExempt='false'], [boolean private='false'], [boolean defaultEvent='false'], [struct eventArguments='[runtime expression]'], [boolean cache='false'], [any cacheTimeout=''], [any cacheLastAccessTimeout=''], [any cacheSuffix=''], [any cacheProvider='template'])

    Executes events with full life-cycle methods and returns the event results if any were returned.

    event - The event string to execute, if nothing is passed we will execute the application's default event.
    prePostExempt - If true, pre/post handlers will not be fired. Defaults to false
    private - Execute a private event if set, else defaults to public events
    defaultEvent - The flag that let's this service now if it is the default event running or not. USED BY THE FRAMEWORK ONLY
    eventArguments - A collection of arguments to passthrough to the calling event handler method
    cache - Cached the output of the runnable execution, defaults to false. A unique key will be created according to event string + arguments.
    cacheTimeout - The time in minutes to cache the results
    cacheLastAccessTimeout - The time in minutes the results will be removed from cache if idle or requested
    cacheSuffix - The suffix to add into the cache entry for this event rendering
    cacheProvider - The provider to cache this event rendering in, defaults to 'template'


    public any setController(any controller)

    controller -


    public void setNextEvent([any event], [any URL], [any URI], [any queryString], [any persist], [struct persistStruct], [boolean addToken], [boolean ssl], [any baseURL], [boolean postProcessExempt], [numeric statusCode])

    Relocate the user to another location

    event - The name of the event to run, if not passed, then it will use the default event found in your configuration file
    URL - The full URL you would like to relocate to instead of an event: ex: URL=''
    URI - The relative URI you would like to relocate to instead of an event: ex: URI='/mypath/awesome/here'
    queryString - The query string to append, if needed. If in SES mode it will be translated to convention name value pairs
    persist - What request collection keys to persist in flash ram
    persistStruct - A structure key-value pairs to persist in flash ram
    addToken - Wether to add the tokens or not. Default is false
    ssl - Whether to relocate in SSL or not
    baseURL - Use this baseURL instead of the index.cfm that is used by default. You can use this for ssl or any full base url you would like to use. Ex:
    postProcessExempt - Do not fire the postProcess interceptors
    statusCode - The status code to use in the relocation


    public any setSetting(any name, any value)

    Set a new setting in the system

    name - The key of the setting
    value - The value of the setting


    public boolean settingExists(any name, [boolean fwSetting='false'])

    Verify a setting from the system

    name - The key of the setting
    fwSetting - Retrieve from the config or fw settings, defaults to config