
Class ColdBoxDSL

        extended by coldbox.system.ioc.dsl.ColdBoxDSL
Class Attributes:
  • output : false
  • synchronized : false
  • accessors : false
  • persistent : false
    All Implemented Interfaces:

    The DSL builder for all ColdBox related stuff

    Constructor Summary
    init(any<Injector> injector)
          Configure the DSL for operation and returns itself.
    Method Summary
    private any getColdboxDSL(any definition, [any targetObject])
         Get dependencies using the coldbox dependency DSL.
    private any<coldbox.system.core.db.DatasourceBean> getDatasource([any alias])
         I will return to you a datasourceBean according to the alias of the datasource you wish to get from the configstruct.
    private any getOCMDSL(any definition, [any targetObject])
         Get OCM dependencies.
    any process(any definition, [any targetObject])
         Process an incoming DSL definition and produce an object with it.
    Methods inherited from class railo-context.Component

    Constructor Detail


    public init(any<Injector> injector)

    Configure the DSL for operation and returns itself

    injector - The linked WireBox injector

    Method Detail


    private any getColdboxDSL(any definition, [any targetObject])

    Get dependencies using the coldbox dependency DSL

    definition - The dependency definition structure
    targetObject - The target object we are building the DSL dependency for. If empty, means we are just requesting building


    private any<coldbox.system.core.db.DatasourceBean> getDatasource([any alias])

    I will return to you a datasourceBean according to the alias of the datasource you wish to get from the configstruct

    alias - The alias of the datasource to get from the configstruct (alias property in the config file)


    private any getOCMDSL(any definition, [any targetObject])

    Get OCM dependencies

    definition - The dependency definition structure
    targetObject - The target object we are building the DSL dependency for. If empty, means we are just requesting building


    public any process(any definition, [any targetObject])

    Process an incoming DSL definition and produce an object with it.

    Specified by:
    process in interface IDSLBuilder
    definition - The injection dsl definition structure to process. Keys: name, dsl
    targetObject - The target object we are building the DSL dependency for. If empty, means we are just requesting building