cachebox create  
coldbox create  
contentbox create  
contentbox create handlers  
contentbox module  
contentbox theme  
contentbox widget  
logbox create  
testbox create  
testbox generate  
testbox open  
wirebox create  
browse Open a browser to the passed URI
cat Read any number of files and return their concatenated contents
cd Change the current working directory of the shell
cfml I am a shortcut to run single CFML functions via the REPL
clear Clear any output on the terminal
cp Copy a file or directory
delete Delete a file or directory from the filesystem
dir List the files and folders in a directory
echo Outputs the text entered
edit Open a path in the native OS application in order to edit it
execute Executes a CFML file and outputs whatever the template outputs using cfoutput or the buffer
fileAppend Append to existing text in a file
fileWrite Write a file, overwriting it if it exists
grep Search through string input and filter only matching lines
help Display CommandBox help
history Display the history of all the commands that have been typed into the shell
info Display basic information about the shell and some cool ASCII art
mkdir Create a new directory
more Breaks long output up into lines or pages for easy reading
mv Rename/move a file or directory to a new name and path
pause This commnd waits for the user to press a key to continue
prompt Set prompt of the shell to your own string
pwd Output the current working directory of the shell
quit Exits out of the shell
recipe The recipe commands allows you to execute a collection of CommandBox commands
reload Reload CommandBox
repl The REPL (Read-Eval-Print-Loop) command allows you to write and execute a-la-carte CFML code right in
run Execute an operating system level command in the native shell
sed Stream editor command for manipulating text one line at a time
system-log Outputs the path to the system log file
tail Tail the end of a file from the filesystem
touch Create a new file according to its name if it does not exist
upgrade Upgrades CommandBox to the latest stable version
version Outputs CommandBox version currently installed