
Name Type Required Default Hint
command string true The full operating system command to execute including the binary and any parameters

Command Usage

Execute an operating system level command in the native shell. The binary must be in the PATH, or you can specify the full
path to it. This command will wait for the OS exectuable to complete. This cannot be used for any commands that require
interactivity or don't exit automatically or the call will hang indefinitely.

run myApp.exe

run /path/to/myApp
A shortcut for running OS binaries is to prefix the binary with "!". In this mode, any other params need to be positional.
There is no CommandBox parsing applied to the command's arguments. They are passed straight to the native shell.

!npm ll
!ping -c 4
Executing Java would look like this
!java -version

!java -jar myLib.jar
You can even call other CLIs
!git init

touch index.cfm
!git add .
!git commit -m "Initial Commit"