
Class ContentStore

    extended by coldbox.system.FrameworkSupertype
      extended by contentbox.models.ui.BaseWidget
        extended by contentbox.widgets.ContentStore

ContentBox - A Modular Content Platform Copyright since 2012 by Ortus Solutions, Corp --- A widget that renders content store objects

Class Attributes:
  • singleton
  • synchronized : false
  • accessors : false
  • persistent : false
    Constructor Summary
    Method Summary
    array getSlugList()
         Return an array of slug lists, the @ignore annotation means the ContentBox widget editors do not use it only used internally.
    any renderIt(string slug, [string defaultValue])
         Renders a published ContentStore object, if no default value is used, this throws an exception.
    Methods inherited from class contentbox.models.ui.BaseWidget
    getAuthor, getAuthorService, getAuthorURL, getCategory, getCategoryService, getCb, getCommentService, getContentService, getContentStoreService, getContentVersionService, getDescription, getEntryService, getForgeBoxSlug, getHtml, getIcon, getLog, getMenuService, getName, getPageService, getPublicMethods, getSecurityService, getVersion, setAuthor, setAuthorService, setAuthorURL, setCategory, setCategoryService, setCb, setCommentService, setContentService, setContentStoreService, setContentVersionService, setDescription, setEntryService, setForgeBoxSlug, setHtml, setIcon, setLog, setMenuService, setName, setPageService, setSecurityService, setVersion
    Methods inherited from class coldbox.system.FrameworkSupertype
    addAsset, announceInterception, getCache, getController, getInstance, getInterceptor, getModel, getModuleConfig, getModuleSettings, getMyPlugin, getPlugin, getRenderer, getRequestCollection, getRequestContext, getSetting, getSettingStructure, includeUDF, loadApplicationHelpers, locateDirectoryPath, locateFilePath, persistVariables, populateModel, relocate, renderExternalView, renderLayout, renderView, runEvent, setController, setNextEvent, setSetting, settingExists
    Methods inherited from class lucee.Component

    Constructor Detail


    public init()

    Method Detail


    public array getSlugList()

    Return an array of slug lists, the @ignore annotation means the ContentBox widget editors do not use it only used internally.


    public any renderIt(string slug, [string defaultValue])

    Renders a published ContentStore object, if no default value is used, this throws an exception

    renderIt in class BaseWidget
    slug - The content store slug to render
    defaultValue - The string to show if the contentstore snippet does not exist