
Class BaseSpec

        extended by testbox.system.BaseSpec
Class Attributes:
  • synchronized : false
  • accessors : false
  • persistent : false
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    Copyright Since 2005 TestBox Framework by Luis Majano and Ortus Solutions, Corp www.ortussolutions.com This is a base spec object that is used to test XUnit and BDD style specification methods

    Constructor Summary
    remote init()
    Method Summary
    any addAssertions(any assertions)
         Add custom assertions to the $assert object.
    any addMatchers(any matchers)
         Add custom matchers to your expectations.
    any afterEach(any body)
         This function is used for BDD test suites to store the afterEach() function to execute for a test suite group.
    any aroundEach(any body)
         This is used to surround a spec with your own closure code to provide a nice around decoration advice.
    any assert(any expression, [any message=''])
         Assert that the passed expression is true.
    any beforeEach(any body)
         This function is used for BDD test suites to store the beforeEach() function to execute for a test suite group.
    any clearDebugBuffer()
         Clear the debug array buffer.
    any closureStub()
    any console(any var, [any top='9999'])
         Send some information to the console via writedump( output="console" ).
    any createEmptyMock([string className], [any object], [boolean callLogging='true'])
         Create an empty mock.
    any createMock([string className], [any object], [boolean clearMethods='false'])
         Create a mock with or without clearing implementations, usually not clearing means you want to build object spies.
    any createStub([boolean callLogging='true'], [string extends=''], [string implements=''])
         Create an empty stub object that you can use for mocking.
    any debug([any var], [string label=''], [boolean deepCopy='false'], [numeric top='999'])
         Debug some information into the TestBox debugger array buffer.
    any describe(string title, any body, [any labels='[runtime expression]'], [boolean asyncAll='false'], [any skip='false'])
         The way to describe BDD test suites in TestBox.
    Expectation expect([any actual])
         Start an expectation expression.
    any expectedException([any type=''], [any regex='.*'])
         Expect an exception from the testing spec.
    any fail([any message=''])
         Fail an assertion.
    any feature(string feature, any body, [any labels='[runtime expression]'], [boolean asyncAll='false'], [any skip='false'])
         The way to describe BDD test suites in TestBox.
    array getDebugBuffer()
         Get the debug array buffer from scope.
    any getMockBox([string generationPath])
         Get a reference to the MockBox engine.
    any getProperty(any target, any name, [any scope='variables'], [any defaultValue])
         Get a private property.
    any given(string given, any body, [any labels='[runtime expression]'], [boolean asyncAll='false'], [any skip='false'])
         The way to describe BDD test suites in TestBox.
    boolean hasExpectedException(any specName, any runner)
         Check if an expected exception is defined.
    boolean isExpectedException(any exception, any specName, any runner)
         Check if the incoming exception is expected or not.
    any it(string title, any body, [any labels='[runtime expression]'], [any skip='false'], [struct data='[runtime expression]'])
         The it() function describes a spec or a test in TestBox.
    any makePublic(any target, string method, [string newName=''])
         Make a private method on a CFC public with or without a new name and returns the target object.
    any prepareMock([any object], [boolean callLogging='true'])
         Prepares an already instantiated object to act as a mock for spying and much more.
    any print(any message)
         Write some output to the ColdFusion output buffer.
    any println(any message)
         Write some output to the ColdFusion output buffer using a
    any querySim(any queryData)
         First line are the query columns separated by commas.
    BaseSpec runAfterEachClosures(any suite, any spec)
         Execute the after each closures in order for a suite and spec.
    BaseSpec runAroundEachClosures(any suite, any spec)
         Execute the around each closures in order for a suite and spec.
    BaseSpec runBeforeEachClosures(any suite, any spec)
         Execute the before each closures in order for a suite and spec.
    remote any runRemote([string testSpecs=''], [string testSuites=''], [string reporter='simple'], [string labels=''])
         Run a test remotely, only useful if the spec inherits from this class.
    any runSpec(any spec, any suite, any testResults, any suiteStats, any runner)
         Run a BDD test in this target CFC.
    any runTestMethod(any spec, any testResults, any suiteStats, any runner)
         Runs a xUnit style test method in this target CFC.
    any scenario(string scenario, any body, [any labels='[runtime expression]'], [boolean asyncAll='false'], [any skip='false'])
         The way to describe BDD test suites in TestBox.
    any story(string story, any body, [any labels='[runtime expression]'], [boolean asyncAll='false'], [any skip='false'])
         The way to describe BDD test suites in TestBox.
    any then(string then, any body, [any labels='[runtime expression]'], [any skip='false'], [struct data='[runtime expression]'])
         The then() function describes a spec or a test in TestBox and is an alias for it.
    any when(string when, any body, [any labels='[runtime expression]'], [boolean asyncAll='false'], [any skip='false'])
         The way to describe BDD test suites in TestBox.
    any xdescribe(string title, any body, [any labels='[runtime expression]'], [boolean asyncAll='false'])
         This is a convenience method that makes sure the test suite is skipped from execution.
    any xit(string title, any body, [any labels='[runtime expression]'], [struct data='[runtime expression]'])
         This is a convenience method that makes sure the test spec is skipped from execution.
    Methods inherited from class lucee.Component

    Constructor Detail


    remote init()


    Method Detail


    public any addAssertions(any assertions)

    Add custom assertions to the $assert object

    assertions - The structure of custom assertion functions to register or a path or instance of a CFC containing all the assertion functions to register


    public any addMatchers(any matchers)

    Add custom matchers to your expectations

    matchers - The structure of custom matcher functions to register or a path or instance of a CFC containing all the matcher functions to register


    public any afterEach(any body)

    This function is used for BDD test suites to store the afterEach() function to execute for a test suite group

    body - The closure function


    public any aroundEach(any body)

    This is used to surround a spec with your own closure code to provide a nice around decoration advice

    body - The closure function


    public any assert(any expression, [any message=''])

    Assert that the passed expression is true



    public any beforeEach(any body)

    This function is used for BDD test suites to store the beforeEach() function to execute for a test suite group

    body - The closure function


    public any clearDebugBuffer()

    Clear the debug array buffer


    public any closureStub()


    public any console(any var, [any top='9999'])

    Send some information to the console via writedump( output="console" )

    var - The data to send
    top - Apply a top to the dump, by default it does 9999 levels


    public any createEmptyMock([string className], [any object], [boolean callLogging='true'])

    Create an empty mock

    className - The class name of the object to mock. The mock factory will instantiate it for you
    object - The object to mock, already instantiated
    callLogging - Add method call logging for all mocked methods. Defaults to true


    public any createMock([string className], [any object], [boolean clearMethods='false'])

    Create a mock with or without clearing implementations, usually not clearing means you want to build object spies

    className - The class name of the object to mock. The mock factory will instantiate it for you
    object - The object to mock, already instantiated
    clearMethods - If true, all methods in the target mock object will be removed. You can then mock only the methods that you want to mock. Defaults to false


    public any createStub([boolean callLogging='true'], [string extends=''], [string implements=''])

    Create an empty stub object that you can use for mocking

    callLogging - Add method call logging for all mocked methods. Defaults to true
    extends - Make the stub extend from certain CFC
    implements - Make the stub adhere to an interface


    public any debug([any var], [string label=''], [boolean deepCopy='false'], [numeric top='999'])

    Debug some information into the TestBox debugger array buffer

    var - The data to debug
    label - The label to add to the debug entry
    deepCopy - By default we do not duplicate the incoming information, but you can :)
    top - The top numeric number to dump on the screen in the report, defaults to 999


    public any describe(string title, any body, [any labels='[runtime expression]'], [boolean asyncAll='false'], [any skip='false'])

    The way to describe BDD test suites in TestBox. The title is usually what you are testing or grouping of tests. The body is the function that implements the suite.

    title - The name of this test suite
    body - The closure that represents the test suite
    labels - The list or array of labels this suite group belongs to
    asyncAll - If you want to parallelize the execution of the defined specs in this suite group.
    skip - A flag or a closure that tells TestBox to skip this suite group from testing if true. If this is a closure it must return boolean.


    public Expectation expect([any actual])

    Start an expectation expression. This returns an instance of Expectation so you can work with its matchers.

    actual - The actual value, it is not required as it can be null.


    public any expectedException([any type=''], [any regex='.*'])

    Expect an exception from the testing spec

    type - The type to expect
    regex - Optional exception message regular expression to match, by default it matches .*


    public any fail([any message=''])

    Fail an assertion



    public any feature(string feature, any body, [any labels='[runtime expression]'], [boolean asyncAll='false'], [any skip='false'])

    The way to describe BDD test suites in TestBox. The feature is an alias for describe usually use when you are writing in a Given-When-Then style The body is the function that implements the suite.

    feature - The name of this test suite
    body - The closure that represents the test suite
    labels - The list or array of labels this suite group belongs to
    asyncAll - If you want to parallelize the execution of the defined specs in this suite group.
    skip - A flag or a closure that tells TestBox to skip this suite group from testing if true. If this is a closure it must return boolean.


    public array getDebugBuffer()

    Get the debug array buffer from scope


    public any getMockBox([string generationPath])

    Get a reference to the MockBox engine

    generationPath - The path to generate the mocks if passed, else uses default location.


    public any getProperty(any target, any name, [any scope='variables'], [any defaultValue])

    Get a private property

    target - The target to get a property from
    name - The name of the property to retrieve
    scope - The scope to get it from, defaults to 'variables' scope
    defaultValue - A default value if the property does not exist


    public any given(string given, any body, [any labels='[runtime expression]'], [boolean asyncAll='false'], [any skip='false'])

    The way to describe BDD test suites in TestBox. The given is an alias for describe usually use when you are writing in a Given-When-Then style The body is the function that implements the suite.

    body - The closure that represents the test suite
    labels - The list or array of labels this suite group belongs to
    asyncAll - If you want to parallelize the execution of the defined specs in this suite group.
    skip - A flag or a closure that tells TestBox to skip this suite group from testing if true. If this is a closure it must return boolean.


    public boolean hasExpectedException(any specName, any runner)

    Check if an expected exception is defined



    public boolean isExpectedException(any exception, any specName, any runner)

    Check if the incoming exception is expected or not.



    public any it(string title, any body, [any labels='[runtime expression]'], [any skip='false'], [struct data='[runtime expression]'])

    The it() function describes a spec or a test in TestBox. The body argument is the closure that implements the test which usually contains one or more expectations that test the state of the code under test.

    title - The title of this spec
    body - The closure that represents the test
    labels - The list or array of labels this spec belongs to
    skip - A flag or a closure that tells TestBox to skip this spec test from testing if true. If this is a closure it must return boolean.
    data - A struct of data you would like to bind into the spec so it can be later passed into the executing body function


    public any makePublic(any target, string method, [string newName=''])

    Make a private method on a CFC public with or without a new name and returns the target object

    target - The target object to expose the method
    method - The private method to expose
    newName - If passed, it will expose the method with this name, else just uses the same name


    public any prepareMock([any object], [boolean callLogging='true'])

    Prepares an already instantiated object to act as a mock for spying and much more

    object - The object to mock, already instantiated
    callLogging - Add method call logging for all mocked methods. Defaults to true


    public any print(any message)

    Write some output to the ColdFusion output buffer



    public any println(any message)

    Write some output to the ColdFusion output buffer using a



    public any querySim(any queryData)

    First line are the query columns separated by commas. Then do a consecuent rows separated by line breaks separated by | to denote columns.



    public BaseSpec runAfterEachClosures(any suite, any spec)

    Execute the after each closures in order for a suite and spec



    public BaseSpec runAroundEachClosures(any suite, any spec)

    Execute the around each closures in order for a suite and spec



    public BaseSpec runBeforeEachClosures(any suite, any spec)

    Execute the before each closures in order for a suite and spec



    remote any runRemote([string testSpecs=''], [string testSuites=''], [string reporter='simple'], [string labels=''])

    Run a test remotely, only useful if the spec inherits from this class. Useful for remote executions.

    testSpecs - A list or array of test names that are the ones that will be executed ONLY!
    testSuites - A list or array of suite names that are the ones that will be executed ONLY!
    reporter - The type of reporter to run the test with
    labels - A list or array of labels to apply to the testing.


    public any runSpec(any spec, any suite, any testResults, any suiteStats, any runner)

    Run a BDD test in this target CFC

    spec - The spec definition to test
    suite - The suite definition this spec belongs to
    testResults - The testing results object
    suiteStats - The suite stats that the incoming spec definition belongs to
    runner - The runner calling this BDD test


    public any runTestMethod(any spec, any testResults, any suiteStats, any runner)

    Runs a xUnit style test method in this target CFC

    spec - The spec definition to test
    testResults - The testing results object
    suiteStats - The suite stats that the incoming spec definition belongs to
    runner - The runner calling this BDD test


    public any scenario(string scenario, any body, [any labels='[runtime expression]'], [boolean asyncAll='false'], [any skip='false'])

    The way to describe BDD test suites in TestBox. The scenario is an alias for describe usually use when you are writing in a Given-When-Then style The body is the function that implements the suite.

    body - The closure that represents the test suite
    labels - The list or array of labels this suite group belongs to
    asyncAll - If you want to parallelize the execution of the defined specs in this suite group.
    skip - A flag or a closure that tells TestBox to skip this suite group from testing if true. If this is a closure it must return boolean.


    public any story(string story, any body, [any labels='[runtime expression]'], [boolean asyncAll='false'], [any skip='false'])

    The way to describe BDD test suites in TestBox. The story is an alias for describe usually use when you are writing using Gherkin-esque language The body is the function that implements the suite.

    story - The name of this test suite
    body - The closure that represents the test suite
    labels - The list or array of labels this suite group belongs to
    asyncAll - If you want to parallelize the execution of the defined specs in this suite group.
    skip - A flag or a closure that tells TestBox to skip this suite group from testing if true. If this is a closure it must return boolean.


    public any then(string then, any body, [any labels='[runtime expression]'], [any skip='false'], [struct data='[runtime expression]'])

    The then() function describes a spec or a test in TestBox and is an alias for it. The body argument is the closure that implements the test which usually contains one or more expectations that test the state of the code under test.

    then - The title of this spec
    body - The closure that represents the test
    labels - The list or array of labels this spec belongs to
    skip - A flag or a closure that tells TestBox to skip this spec test from testing if true. If this is a closure it must return boolean.
    data - A struct of data you would like to bind into the spec so it can be later passed into the executing body function


    public any when(string when, any body, [any labels='[runtime expression]'], [boolean asyncAll='false'], [any skip='false'])

    The way to describe BDD test suites in TestBox. The when is an alias for scenario usually use when you are writing in a Given-When-Then style The body is the function that implements the suite.

    body - The closure that represents the test suite
    labels - The list or array of labels this suite group belongs to
    asyncAll - If you want to parallelize the execution of the defined specs in this suite group.
    skip - A flag or a closure that tells TestBox to skip this suite group from testing if true. If this is a closure it must return boolean.


    public any xdescribe(string title, any body, [any labels='[runtime expression]'], [boolean asyncAll='false'])

    This is a convenience method that makes sure the test suite is skipped from execution

    title - The name of this test suite
    body - The closure that represents the test suite
    labels - The list or array of labels this suite group belongs to
    asyncAll - If you want to parallelize the execution of the defined specs in this suite group.


    public any xit(string title, any body, [any labels='[runtime expression]'], [struct data='[runtime expression]'])

    This is a convenience method that makes sure the test spec is skipped from execution

    title - The title of this spec
    body - The closure that represents the test
    labels - The list or array of labels this spec belongs to
    data - A struct of data you would like to bind into the spec so it can be later passed into the executing body function