
Class ColdboxFactory

        extended by coldbox.system.ioc.ColdboxFactory
Class Attributes:
  • output : false

    Create Config Beans, Controller, Cache Manager and Plugins of the current running application

    Constructor Summary
    init([string COLDBOX_APP_KEY])
    Method Summary
    any<CacheFactory> getCacheBox()
         Get the CacheBox reference.
    Controller getColdbox()
         Get the coldbox controller reference: coldbox.
    any<IColdboxApplicationCache> getColdboxOCM([string cacheName='default'])
         Get ColdboxOCM: coldbox.
    ConfigBean getConfigBean()
         Returns an application's config bean: coldbox.
    DatasourceBean getDatasource([string alias])
         I will return to you a datasourceBean according to the alias of the datasource you wish to get from the configstruct: coldbox.
    any getInstance(any name, [any dsl], [any<struct> initArguments])
         Locates, Creates, Injects and Configures an object model instance.
    any getInterceptor([string interceptorName], [boolean deepSearch='false'])
         Get an interceptor.
    LogBox getLogBox()
         Get the LogBox reference.
    Logger getLogger(any category)
         Get a named logger reference.
    MailSettingsBean getMailSettings()
         I will return to you a mailsettingsBean modeled after your mail settings in your config file.
    any getPlugin([any plugin], [boolean customPlugin='false'], [boolean newInstance='false'], [any module=''], [boolean init='true'])
         Plugin factory, returns a new or cached instance of a plugin.
    struct getRequestCollection([boolean private='false'])
         Tries to retrieve the request collection.
    RequestContext getRequestContext()
         Tries to retrieve the request context object.
    Logger getRootLogger()
         Get the root logger reference.
    private Util getUtil()
         Create and return a util object.
    Injector getWireBox()
         Get the WireBox Injector reference.
    Methods inherited from class WEB-INF.cftags.component

    Constructor Detail


    public init([string COLDBOX_APP_KEY])

    COLDBOX_APP_KEY - The application key to use

    Method Detail


    public any<CacheFactory> getCacheBox()

    Get the CacheBox reference.


    public Controller getColdbox()

    Get the coldbox controller reference: coldbox.system.web.Controller


    public any<IColdboxApplicationCache> getColdboxOCM([string cacheName='default'])

    Get ColdboxOCM: coldbox.system.cache.CacheManager or new CacheBox providers as coldbox.system.cache.IColdboxApplicationCache

    cacheName - The cache name to retrieve


    public ConfigBean getConfigBean()

    Returns an application's config bean: coldbox.system.core.collections.ConfigBean


    public DatasourceBean getDatasource([string alias])

    I will return to you a datasourceBean according to the alias of the datasource you wish to get from the configstruct: coldbox.system.core.db.DatasourceBean

    alias - The alias of the datasource to get from the configstruct (alias property in the config file)


    public any getInstance(any name, [any dsl], [any<struct> initArguments])

    Locates, Creates, Injects and Configures an object model instance

    name - The mapping name or CFC instance path to try to build up
    dsl - The dsl string to use to retrieve the instance model object, mutually exclusive with 'name'
    initArguments - The constructor structure of arguments to passthrough when initializing the instance


    public any getInterceptor([string interceptorName], [boolean deepSearch='false'])

    Get an interceptor

    interceptorName - The name of the interceptor to search for
    deepSearch - By default we search the cache for the interceptor reference. If true, we search all the registered interceptor states for a match.


    public LogBox getLogBox()

    Get the LogBox reference.


    public Logger getLogger(any category)

    Get a named logger reference.

    category - The category name to use in this logger or pass in the target object will log from and we will inspect the object and use its metadata name.


    public MailSettingsBean getMailSettings()

    I will return to you a mailsettingsBean modeled after your mail settings in your config file.


    Public any getPlugin([any plugin], [boolean customPlugin='false'], [boolean newInstance='false'], [any module=''], [boolean init='true'])

    Plugin factory, returns a new or cached instance of a plugin.

    plugin - The Plugin object's name to instantiate
    customPlugin - Used internally to create custom plugins.
    newInstance - If true, it will create and return a new plugin. No caching or persistance.
    module - The module to retrieve the plugin from
    init - Auto init() the plugin upon construction


    public struct getRequestCollection([boolean private='false'])

    Tries to retrieve the request collection

    private - Get the request collection or private request collection


    public RequestContext getRequestContext()

    Tries to retrieve the request context object


    public Logger getRootLogger()

    Get the root logger reference.


    private Util getUtil()

    Create and return a util object


    public Injector getWireBox()

    Get the WireBox Injector reference.